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Edge Web Design

Getting Businesses Online!

Sports Memorabilia Ecommerce Website

E Commerce Website Design

Sports Memorabilia Website Design

Our clients brief was simple he wanted us to design and develop a website that would allow users to purchase sporting and other memorabilia but also offer his custom framing and printing services.

The shopping cart or ecommerce facet of the website was designed to make it very easy for users to find what they are looking for or simply browse the range even from the home page!

Shopping cart website functions

The website has a search system to help customers quickly find what they are looking for and also has a price filter on the catalogue or shop page which allows for viewing products by price range etc.

To further enhance the user experience and make purchasing easier the product categories are also displayed on the shop page home page of the website.

Custom web pages for services

We also designed custom web pages for the other services that our client offers. These pages were for his custom jersey framing and wide format printing service. This further adds value to his website by making it a more diverse platform for his business and services.

Valued Client Relationships

We value our clients and as a family business we often develop lasting relationships with them.

This is great for us and also good for them as over time we develop a more intricate understanding of their business and goals.

This is the 3rd website we have designed and developed for this valued client, he is one of our best Ambassadors always recommending our web design and marketing services to his business colleagues and friends for some of whom we have also built lasting relationships.

Web Design Type: Ecommerce Website
Website Design