Avoiding common WordPress website problems
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Avoiding common WordPress website problems

Website Updates and Maintenance

Avoiding common WordPress website problems

Need some tips on Avoiding common WordPress website problems? As a WordPress website owner, it’s important to be aware of the most common problems that can occur.

By taking some simple precautions, you can avoid these issues and keep your site running smoothly. Here are the most common WordPress website problems and how to avoid them.

Not keeping WordPress up to date

Outdated WordPress installations are a security risk because they contain known vulnerabilities. With WordPress, you can update your installation using the Dashboard. However, not everyone knows how to do that or is able to update regularly. That’s why it’s important to use a managed host that keeps your WordPress installation up-to-date for you.

Failing to update WordPress can lead to plugin and theme compatibility issues. Using plugins and themes that are not compatible with your WordPress version and not backing up your site regularly will lead to problems.

Not installing an SSL certificate on your website server is asking for trouble. SSL certificates encrypt data between the client and server. They are used to protect sensitive information like usernames, passwords, credit card details and more. With an SSL certificate installed on your web server, you will be able to display a padlock in your browser’s URL bar.

One of the best way for avoiding common WordPress website problems is keeping it updated.

Updating WordPress is essential for a secure and functional website. Not updating WordPress to the latest version can lead to several issues including:

  • Vulnerabilities in the core software
  • Compatibility issues with old versions of plugins and themes
  • Security holes that can be exploited by hackers

Using a WordPress theme with poor coding causes problems

What are the consequences of using a WordPress theme with poor coding ? More than 40% (43% to be exact) of WordPress themes have poor quality code. Poor coding can cause several issues including compatibility issues with plugins, themes and WordPress itself; security breaches; content loss due to poorly coded database structure.

How to tell if a WordPress theme has poor coding ? The first thing to do is check if it’s compatible with the latest version of WordPress. You can do this by going to the theme’s page on WordPress or ask a reputable web developer to check for you.

Not making regular website backups

What Happens When You Don’t Back Up a WordPress Site ? If you don t back up and update your site regularly, you re basically leaving the door open for hackers to potentially destroy your website.

Backup your WordPress site regularly, and you’ll never have to worry what happens if your server disappears or gets hacked.

Installing too many plugins on your website

Why you should avoid installing too many WordPress plugins. The more plugins you install on your site, the greater the chance that one of them will be compromised. Installing too many plugins can slow down your website and make it vulnerable to attack.

Regularly review your plugins and delete any that you don’t use. Regularly review your plugins and delete any that you don’t use.

Keeping your website safe, secure and running smoothly

One of the best ways to keep your WordPress website safe, secure and running smoothly is to use a professional web developer who can provide an ongoing website maintenance service.

We provide an affordable website maintenance and repair service that keeps your site running smoothly and efficiently.

A website maintenance service is a great way to keep your website running smoothly and avoid any unexpected downtime. By having an expert handle all of the updates and maintenance for you, you can rest assured that your site will always be up-to-date and running smoothly.

This service also offers rapid support so that if anything ever does go wrong, you know someone will be there to help you fix it as quickly as possible.

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